Gemeinsam für die

Starch Convention

For more than 75 years, the Association of Cereal Research (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Getreideforschung e.V.) organizes the highly esteemed international starch convention in cooperation with the Max Rubner-Institute, Detmold.

The convention attends by managers and technologists of the worldwide starch and bioethanol industries, suppliers of technology, processing aids and researchers in carbohydrate chemistry.

The themes, discussed by more than 300 participants from all over the world, includes:

  • Developments from the raw material to the application of starch products in food and technical industry
  • Use of starch and sugar raw materials in the production of biofuels and as a renewable raw material
  • Use and modifications of byproducts in industry and food
  • Technology and plant design of starch production
  • Enzyme technology for the improvement of starch conversion

A working group of very experienced members of the starch and bioethanol industry arranges the program of the starch convention.

An exhibition of suppliers of starch machinery, analytical equipment, and processing aids for example enzymes accompanies the starch convention.

The conference language is English.


I would like to get the program as soon as it is published.

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